When you first wake up in the morning, your body has been resting all night long and hasn’t had any opportunity to burn calories or energy. In order to wake up feeling energized and ready to start your day, you need to make sure that you are starting it off with the right fuel and activities. By getting the proper nutrition and exercise before your day begins, you can set yourself up for success with these 5 tips on how to wake up feeling energized every day.
1) Add more greens to your diet
Green, leafy vegetables—like spinach, kale, Swiss chard and bok choy—are rich in nutrients and help you feel satiated for hours. They’re also full of water, which helps keep you hydrated during hot summer months or on particularly active days. Add a handful of baby spinach to a turkey sandwich or top a casserole with chopped Swiss chard. Kale chips make an easy snack, and it’s fun to add colorful raw veggies like radishes or carrots to your plate. (Just be sure to steer clear of added salt or fat.) Greens are also delicious cooked; consider incorporating them into pasta sauces, vegetable side dishes, stir-fries or omelets. They’ll add great flavor without extra calories or a heavy feeling in your stomach. And don’t forget about nutrient-rich fruit: Berries, apples and oranges are all good choices!
Instead of eating lunch at home take these ideas ~~~>
Take small healthy snacks with you such as apple slices, carrots sticks etc., then when hunger strikes simply eat one piece rather than overeating later by snacking at work.
2) Drink a glass of water when you first get up
Our bodies are dehydrated when we wake up, so be sure to hydrate yourself first thing in the morning. This can also help you avoid headaches, since dehydration is a common cause of headaches. Most importantly, drinking water as soon as you wake up sets a healthy precedent for your day and can jumpstart your productivity. We’re more likely to follow through on good habits—such as getting enough sleep or exercising regularly—when we start those habits early in our day. Since many bad habits (like watching too much TV) tend to happen at night, it makes sense that starting off your day with a positive routine will carry over into other areas of life. So drink that glass of water! In addition to rehydrating your body, drinking lots of water is associated with all sorts of health benefits. For example, studies have shown that it may reduce blood pressure and stress levels, improve digestion and make you more alert throughout the day; therefore improving both focus and memory retention abilities.
3) Create a cozy morning routine
After a long day of work or school, we’re often tempted to just hit that snooze button and get a few more minutes of shut-eye. But when we do that, we’re robbing ourselves of precious time in our day when our brains are actually at their peak. We feel happier and less stressed, as well as more productive—and getting into a routine is one of the best ways to set up a healthy morning habit. Find something you love doing every morning (preferably something active) and make it your norm. That way, no matter what happens during your day, you can count on those five minutes for yourself first thing. It makes waking up in the morning so much easier.
4) Set the mood with lighting
Setting a relaxed mood can be as simple as adjusting your lighting. If you tend to wake up sluggish, try waking up while it’s still dark outside or after sunrise. This can help set a relaxing tone for your morning and send signals to your brain that it’s time to sleep instead of getting up. Similarly, turning on warm lights (or dimming harsh ones) can make for an easier transition into wakefulness. If possible, put away electronics: Bright screens are more likely than not to affect your sleep cycle negatively and keep you awake at night. But like harsh lighting, they also have a way of affecting our mood in ways we don’t always realize—especially when it comes time for us to get out of bed! So if possible, consider putting away cell phones, laptops and TVs before bed. Take care of yourself first thing in the morning: Morning is a great time to meditate, practice yoga or eat something healthy for breakfast that will last you until lunchtime (at least). By doing all three things first thing upon rising from bed, it’ll leave you feeling better-rested and take any energy from eating something unhealthy before your body has even woken up.
5) Create an energy-boosting playlist
Studies have shown that adding music to your morning routine can make you feel more energetic and even happier. Music can set a positive tone for your day, get you moving faster and give you something fun to focus on. Take control of your playlist and listen only to songs that make you feel awake, refreshed and ready for action. You might find that upbeat, fast-paced music is what gives you energy in the morning—but if not, experiment with different genres until you find songs that work for you. Regardless of what kind of music makes it onto your playlist, there’s no doubt about it: Listening first thing in the morning can give any day a kick start! Start by setting up an alarm clock at least 20 minutes before you plan to wake up; turn off all other distractions so you can dedicate your full attention to the sounds that are meant for an enjoyable wakeup session. As soon as your eyes open, prepare yourself for another great day ahead. If possible, try taking some time outside when you first get up. It’s hard to be upset or negative when basking in sunshine; it may sound counterintuitive but spending some time outside when waking up actually allows people to naturally think positively throughout their days—the vitamin D doesn't hurt either!